All posts tagged: MOMU

Reflections to welcome a new year.

I’m not the only one who feels the urge to reflect on what’s ahead, when starting a new year. If you look at it, the start of a new year is just another day in the always faster rushing world around you. But it is also the perfect ‘forced’ moment to think things trough. What are my goals in life? What plans do I make this year? What do I stand for and can I stay true to myself in this marketing & perfect image ruled world I work in? It’s not easy. Off course I know the drill. I know what needs to be done. Making compromise is needed, and even moderation has never been my strongest asset, I’m getting better at it…. But I also know what is important in life. We want relevance, we want more transparency and honesty from others, we do not believe in empty stories anymore, we worry about time passing by and we know we need to focus on long, fundamental issues instead of our non stop quest …

Dries Van Noten_Inspiration walk in his creative master mind.

After a great first edition in Paris in 2014, the exhibition of one of Belgium’s most creative, loved by all ànd successful fashion designers has ‘landed’ in Antwerp. The Momu (Antwerp’s own fashion museum) invited Dries Van Noten to set up a second edition of his inspiration show and as we all know, a home run in your home town is always most rewarding. The nice thing is that the exhibition is not a copy of Paris, but a next step. With new insights, exciting inspiration work from Dries his heroes and influencers, a beautiful setting and a core selection of all Dries’ 25 collections over the years. I had the privilege to walk trough the exhibit with a collaborator of the Momu who worked with Dries personally on this show. She knew how the process evolved and how Dries was intensively creative engaged.