All posts tagged: Food

Food, design, magazine, trend

A Kinfolk Magazine gathering in Ghent.

“There’s life and vitality and messiness and ugliness—but real-ness.” MATTHEW ABRAMS When I heard that my friend Annemarie was hosting together with Suzy Castermans the sixth Kinfolk Magazine Gathering in Belgium, I absolutely wanted to be at this wonderful event. The Kinfolk Magazine Gatherings take place in more than 25 locations all over the world on exactly the same day. The idea is to bring together a community of like minded people who do not know each other, and to bring them together around a meal to embrace life’s unique qualities through innovative dishes, a warm community feel and a respect for nature’s whims. It is very important to feel on these events the Kinfolk principles of hospitality, simplicity and generosity.

Tried & enjoyed: Nhow hotel Rotterdam_a life inspiration story

When traveling and staying in Rotterdam, for me there was just one option, to be honest. I know, I lost my heart on Hotel New York, and if you’re looking for a cosy, warm and historical family hotel, it is still a great option. But, hey, we need to check out new things, and when I got an invitation to stay at the brand new Nhow hotel in Rotterdam (after our inspirational bike tour with Eastpak), I took this chance to explore new beds in Rotterdam.

‘Eastpaked’ for Rotterdam_a life inspiration story

I’ve always been a huge fan of Rotterdam. I think it’s a city with more innovation power than Amsterdam, and they have less to prove to the world. It’s also the only Dutch town with a real skyline, 2 big rivers coming together and some exciting(but let’s be honest, not all buildings are beautiful) architecture. A few weeks ago, I got an invitation to join travel bag expert Eastpak who organized a so called ‘wildlife’ Tour in Rotterdam, to discover some new, independent small retailers, hair salons, designers and food concepts.

Kinfolk magazine on generation grey_a life inspiration story

We are a society that focuses on eternal youth. Stay young, look even younger and getting older is in a way not a desired option.  But times are changing. People all over the world are getting older, but also healthier, fitter and very active.Forget all the stereotypes about people over 60. Flat Agers (that’s how they are called) of the future aren’t defined by their age, they’re moved by their interests, passions and ambitions, just like everyone else. It’s great to see how more and more media are picking up this trend, and show older people as they are, beautiful, active and with loads of personality and (some times) wisdom.