Image of the day, Inspirational Women, Photography, Trends
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The Squid Stories image of the day #2

2 The Squid Stories blog_image of the day_lean in Getty Images

It’s not much, but it’s a start.

That’s what I thought, reading an article in The Huffington Post on ‘30 good things that happened to woman last year’. I scrolled trough, most of if was common known (another good sign), but one story or call it news fact made it to todays ‚image of the day’.

This image is one of the “Lean In” Collection of the stock photo agency Getty Images. They teamed up with “Lean In”, a nonprofit organization that get’s woman & girls ‚in’ and more empowered, founded by Sheryl Sandberg (COO Facebook & author of “Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead,”) and released a new stock photo gallery with (only) 2,500 images breaking down stereotypes about gender roles.

That’s nothing compared with the 150 million photos that are in stock in total….

It’s a signal, not more. But one we need to encourage, and even better, find absolutely normal. It’s about time that these kind of ‚Lean in’ collections are no longer needed. That woman, men, families can be seen in all kinds of empowering situations, alone, together, in group.

By the way, let’s be honest, aren’t we all tired of stock photos that feature women laughing alone with salad. (link, just for fun to this silly but accurate blog about the bizarre stock photo trend of women looking way too happy to be eating salad, and check it out, always alone. Or this one, the results of the search words ‚woman’ and ‚feminism’: hilarious and in a way sad.

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“Lean In” Collection

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All images courtesy of Getty Images.

The Squid Stories ‚Image of the day’ thanks The Huffington Post for the inspiration for this ‚Image of the day’ story.



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