All posts tagged: Culture

Image of the day: A Brooklyn green houseboat

  It’s been a while since I posted something on one of my favorite items on the blog: the “image of the day”. This item should be one that pops up on regular bases, but damn, it’s been so busy lately … But, this one was too nice to let go. The image of today is an off-the-grid houseboat/urban sustainability laboratory that’s can be spotted nowadays in one of America’s filthiest waterways: Brooklyn’s Gowanus Canal.

Koen Vanmechelen celebrates biocultural diversity.

For years I love Koen Vanmechelen’s work. The first time I walked into one of his projects was at The Verbeke Foundation in Kemzeke. This private open air museum was at that time the home and breeding place of his Cosmopolitan Chicken Project where Koen Vanmechelen launched his chicken crossbreeding project during the late nineties. The Cosmopolitan Chicken Project, you may ask? Well, more specifically, Koen interbreeded domestic chickens from different countries aiming at the creation of a true cosmopolitan chicken as a symbol for global diversity.