Les hommes de Ann Demeulemeester-a life inspiration day - The Squid Stories
Paris, the show of Ann Demeulemeester Hommes A/W 2013. We got an invite, so we headed of to Paris at 7 o’clock in the morning.We arrive at the Quai Malaquais 10.20 am sharp, and this time no bloggers circus (yet), and everyone arrives civilized and fashionably in time.Fashion icon Diane Pernet is half an hour early, Scott Sartorialist Schuman arrives just before La Menkes, and Ann herself is quite at ease and has some time to chat before the show starts. We are ready. Photo Ivan Missinne/Kate Stockman Fashion icon Diane Pernet. Photo Ivan Missinne/Kate Stockman Photos Ivan Missinne/Kate Stockman Photo Ivan Missinne/Kate Stockman Ann Demeulemeester chatting before the start of her show. The advantage to come early: you see the designers in a blanc space, the vibe of respectful expectation. Nice. My man, Ivan. Yours truly. Yours truly, Kate Stockman,blogger The Squid Stories (haha!!) Mister Scott Schuman, Sartorialst. Our Belgian hat designer Elvis Pompilio looked great in an off white Russioan inspired Kozakken outfit. Always fun, always …