Quid old Squid? - The Squid Stories
Whoa, wait a minute… What happened here? That’s right, folks: welcome to the all new Squid Stories. Easier to navigate, easier on the browser and really easy on the eyes, if I may say so myself. The entire archive of the original The Squid Stories is been transferred. A huge work, done with love and devotion bij Dagmara, the most lovely girl in Ghent, who helped to set up this new chapter in The Squidstories history. My previous blog still can be found here as it was the first incarnation of my personal site & blog, started in 2009.. I’m still proud of it, the way you can still be proud of old Polaroids of yourself, even though your first reaction is: “That outfit! That hat! What was I thinking?” For all the latest inspiration, I recommend you subscribe to my newsletter, update your bookmarks to the new URL or check back in at this site whenever you fancy. Hope you like my new digs! Feel free to share your comments on my …